Nice logos.

Get your identity by this time next week.

The promise:

I can build your timeless logomark in as little as three days, because I’ve been working at this craft for ten years. This speed and quality also comes with simple and friendly pricing – perfect for small business.

1 I start with a quick chat. If it’s a good fit, I send the paperwork, and you send the paper.

2 I research and discuss references; if you can send sketches, that’s great.

3 I build your perfect logo, with free two rounds of revision.

4 You get a logo pack, usage guide, and templates to launch your identity.

Can you trust this approach?

In my everyday work, I’ve learned that 50% of clients love the first draft, and 80% won’t need a second revision.

Tell me you have a clear idea, and I’ll make it for you. If you don’t, trust me to find a perfect fit. More design time does not equate to better logos; extra concepts don’t do it either.

So yes. You can trust this approach.

frequently asked questions